App maintenance ensures that machines, systems, and equipment continue to operate efficiently and effectively throughout their life cycle. It is essential to carry out regular maintenance activities to reduce the risk of failure, extend the lifespan of equipment, and maintain the quality of products or services.

There are eight types of application maintenance and support that organizations can use to ensure that their equipment remains operational and efficient. These types of maintenance activities are:

  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Corrective Maintenance
  • Planned Maintenance
  • Autonomous Maintenance
  • Condition-Based Maintenance
  • Total Productive Maintenance
  • Run-To-Failure Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance:

Preventive maintenance is an app maintenance activity to prevent equipment failures before they occur. This type of maintenance activity involves the inspection, testing, and maintenance of equipment regularly. Preventive maintenance is a proactive approach that aims to reduce the risk of equipment failure and downtime. Preventive maintenance aims to ensure that equipment is operating at its optimal level and prevent any unexpected breakdowns.

Predictive Maintenance:

Predictive maintenance is a maintenance activity that uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to predict when equipment failure is likely to occur. This app maintenance activity involves using sensors and monitoring devices to collect data on equipment performance. Predictive maintenance uses this data to identify patterns and trends that indicate when equipment failure is likely. Predictive app maintenance aims to predict failures before they occur and take action to prevent them.

Corrective Maintenance:

Corrective maintenance is an app maintenance activity carried out to repair failed equipment. This type of maintenance activity involves identifying and diagnosing equipment failures, followed by the repair or replacement of faulty components. Corrective maintenance is a reactive approach that is carried out after equipment failure has occurred. Corrective maintenance aims to restore equipment to its operational state as quickly as possible.

Planned Maintenance:

Planned maintenance is scheduled in advance based on a predetermined maintenance schedule. This type of maintenance activity involves the inspection, testing, and maintenance of equipment at regular intervals. The goal of planned maintenance is to ensure that equipment remains operational and efficient over its lifetime. Planned maintenance is a proactive approach to help organizations avoid unexpected equipment failures and downtime.

Autonomous Maintenance:

Autonomous maintenance is carried out by equipment operators rather than maintenance staff. This type of maintenance activity involves the inspection, testing, and maintenance of equipment regularly. Autonomous maintenance is a proactive approach that encourages equipment operators to take ownership of their equipment and to identify and resolve issues before they become problems. The goal of autonomous maintenance is to improve equipment reliability and reduce downtime.

Condition-Based Maintenance:

Condition-based app maintenance uses data analytics and machine learning algorithms to monitor the equipment’s condition and identify when maintenance is required. This maintenance activity involves using sensors and monitoring devices to collect data on equipment performance. Condition-based maintenance uses this data to identify patterns and trends indicating when equipment maintenance is required. The goal of condition-based maintenance is to reduce the frequency of maintenance activities and extend the equipment’s life.

Total Productive Maintenance:

Total productive maintenance is a type of maintenance activity that involves the entire organization in the maintenance process. This maintenance activity focuses on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of equipment and processes. Total productive maintenance involves training all employees in equipment maintenance, establishing a culture of continuous improvement, and using data analytics to identify areas for improvement. Total productive maintenance aims to optimize equipment performance and reduce downtime.

Run-To-Failure Maintenance:

Failure maintenance is a type of maintenance activity that involves running equipment until it fails and then repairing or replacing it. This type of maintenance activity is typically used for low-cost, non-critical equipment. Run-to-failure maintenance is a reactive approach involving no proactive maintenance activities. Run-to-failure maintenance aims to minimize maintenance costs by only repairing or replacing equipment when it fails.


In conclusion, maintenance activities are essential for ensuring that equipment remains operational and efficient throughout its life cycle. The eight types of maintenance activities described above provide organizations with a range of options for maintaining their equipment. Organizations can optimize equipment performance, reduce downtime, and extend the life of their equipment by choosing the appropriate type of app maintenance activity for each piece of equipment. If you’re looking for application maintenance and support services from the top pros, then App Support Ninja has got you covered! With a skilled team of experts working on your desired app support & maintenance solutions, you can rest easy knowing that your apps run smoothly on autopilot!


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